martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

bread condensed milk


-Milk 100 Ml

- 50 Ml. Butter melted

- 1 egg

- A Touch of Orange Juice

- 40 Grs. Sugar

- 10 Grs. Yeast

- 300 Grs. Flour

- C / S Condensed Milk

1 started incorporating all ingredients except the condensed milk and flour in a bowl, and mix well. Add a touch of orange juice and a splash of condensed milk, add the flour and mix to a dough.   

2 When this fermented floured surface where we go to work and stretch the dough to a rectangle. On the one hand 
painted egg in the middle another splash of condensed milk 
and close. Stretching ayundándonos hands now, and let rest 15 minutes.

3 Roll  spiral, egg and sprinkled paint cinnamon above. 

Preecalentado 180 ° C oven for 15 minutes.

 * We can fill with jam, melted chocolate, custard.


      THE END

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